The Enigmatic World of Legal Mysteries
Yo, yo, listen up, I’ve got a tale to tell
‘Bout the enigmatic world of legal mysteries, oh well
From Colorado billboard laws to marketing law
You better pay attention, it’s no time for a flaw
The 501c3 rules for political activity
Are crucial to follow, no room for laxity
If you aim to pursue an LLM without a law degree in the UK
You gotta know the drill, it’s no time to play, OK?
The doctrine of privity of contract means
You better understand, no time for dreams
And when it comes to network marketing in Sri Lanka
You gotta know the legal guidelines to avoid a spanka’
So take a deep dive into the introduction to Nigerian legal method
And make sure to get your facts, don’t just condemn
‘Cause in the shadows lurks Joh Law Eh, mysterious and wise
Ready to provide expert legal advice, no need for disguise
And if you’re craving some legal seafood at Seaport
You can enjoy fresh and sustainable food of all sorts
Finally, don’t forget the legal manuscript, a guide for the folks
To master the art of writing and reviewing, no time for jokes